Certificate in Pain Management
The 6 modules are presented online via Zoom and are CPD accredited
Certificate Overview
The Certificate in Pain Management aims at providing all medical professionals and clinicians with a comprehensive understanding of pain management. The full certificate consists of 6 interactive modules completed within three years.
Each module is a stand-alone course on understanding pain mechanisms, communication skills, principles of assessment and treatment, and targeted treatment protocols, including exercise and stress management tools. Each module consists of two full days of interactive learning online with two instructors present. In addition, to complete the certificate, a written online exam must be completed at the end of each module to consolidate the learning.
Candidates are eligible to enrol for Module 6 after completing the five modules and passing the respective exams. This final module aims to integrate and apply knowledge gained over the previous modules and takes place over three months. It consists of group work, case study assignments and weekly supervised discussions.

Certificate outline
Module 1: Principles of Pain
Lecturers: Beverley Bolton (MSc Med Pain Management) and Romy Parker (PhD)
Content: This course aims to provide a theoretical framework for healthcare professionals to use in the management of people with acute and chronic pain. Using a combined didactic and workshop approach, the lecturers will present the evidence that pain is a bio-psychosocial construct.
*Foundational module for all healthcare professionals
Module 2: Clinical Communication Skills
Facilitators: Beverley Bolton (MSc Med Pain Management) and Stian le Roux (BSc Phys)
Content: Our clinical competence depends on our knowledge, problem-solving abilities, physical assessment, and communication skills with patients. Our clinical outcomes depend not only on what we say but also on how we say it. Communication is a core clinical skill that, like all core competencies, needs to be learnt and practiced. This experiential workshop aims to improve the skills necessary to ensure an accurate, effective and supportive consultation with patients. The course references a large body of evidence supporting specific communication skills in health care consultations.
*Foundational module for all healthcare professionals
Module 3: Clinical Evaluation, Assessment & Reasoning for Pain
Lecturers: Romy Parker (PhD) and Linda Hiemstra (Bachelor of OT degree)
This course aims to provide clinicians with a framework for the practical assessment of patients presenting with complex pain conditions. Assessment tools to identify barriers to recovery and the appropriate use of questionnaires will be covered. Physical assessment tools to determine specific pain mechanisms will be demonstrated. By the end of the course, participants will be able to identify which assessment tools to utilise for each patient presentation and how to use the knowledge gained to plan a treatment program with the patient.
*Foundational module for all healthcare professionals
Module 4: Prescribing for Pain*
Lecturers: Prof. Romy Parker, Dr. Kerry-Ann Louw and Dr. Roland van Rensburg
Content: This course aims to provide prescribing healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills to use an evidence-informed, mechanism-based approach for the management of people with pain. This course will use a combined didactic and workshop approach. Attendees are given pre-recorded lectures on pain physiology, mechanism-based clinical reasoning, and the pharmacology of drugs used in pain management. Attendees then participate in a one-day online workshop where the facilitators present cases and engage attendees in clinical reasoning processes for assessing and managing pain, focusing on multi-modal biopsychosocial pain management.
*Foundational module for prescribing healthcare professionals only
Module 4: Designing Effective Treatments
Lecturers: Melissa Saw (MSc Physio) & Janet Keet (MPhil Sports Physio)
Content: Do you struggle to know where to start with treatment options for people with pain and other chronic health conditions?
The what, when and how of: education, exercise, mindfulness, behaviour change and stress management.
Developing Effective Treatments will provide you with the knowledge and skills to enable you to design and implement multimodal evidence-based treatments to restore patients to their valued lives.
Elective Modules
Prescribing Exercise for Pain & Health Conditions
Lecturers: Jacqui Koep (MSc Pain) and Scott Rickard (MSc Physio), BSc (Med)(Hons) Exercise Science.
Content: Participants will explore the interface between exercise physiology and pain mechanisms and how to apply these principles to clinical conditions. Practical exercise tools for assessment and treatment will be demonstrated. How to use exercise to assist with resetting self-regulatory systems, such as the immune system and autonomic nervous system, will be explored. Evidence-based use of exercises specific to common pain conditions such as osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and low back pain will be demonstrated.
Pain and the stress-response systems
Lecturers: Jacqui Koep (MSc Pain) and Dr. Gaby Prinsloo (MB ChB) (PhD)
Content: This course will cover the physiology and function of the immune system, autonomic nervous system, and endocrine system. Participants will be equipped with the latest research and evidence on how these systems may influence the experience of pain and how the ongoing experience of pain impacts the functioning of these systems. Practical tools on how to assist patients with self-regulating these systems will be demonstrated.
Module 6: Translating Knowledge into Practice
This is the final module needed to complete the Pain Management Certification. The core principle of this module is to embed the knowledge gained through the previous five modules. The interactive 12-week online format includes working in groups, weekly discussion sessions and three written assignments.
Certificate outline
At the end of the 6 module course, a successful candidate:
Will be able to use analytical, critical and evaluative thinking to allow valid and flexible assessment and treatment approaches for pain using an integrative interdisciplinary biopsychosocial approach tailored to the individual.
Is a professional with a fundamental respect for the ethical management of people with pain who overtly integrates the principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy and justice.
Will be patient centered in their approach and using reflective and collaborative communication strategies will empower the patient to be able to self-manage their condition.
Is able to develop an evidence informed diagnostic formulation having engaged with the scientific process continuously participating in the iterative process of reflective practice.
Recognises the need to adopt lifelong learning to be able to continue to develop as an autonomous self-directed pain practitioner.
Is a professional who has confidence in their ability to provide diverse, complex solutions which are tailored to the individual in pain depending on the context, condition and the individuals values and goals.