Melissa Saw
Academic experience:
- Podium presentation at World Confederation of Physical Therapy congress, Singapore: 2015 “The effects of a six-week physiotherapist-led exercise and education intervention on pain, in patients with osteoarthritis awaiting an arthroplasty, in South Africa: a randomised controlled trial.”
- Podium presentation at 23rdBiennial Congress of the SA Arthroplasty Society: 2015 as above.
- MSc co-supervisor to successful MSc student: The effects of a six-week pre-operative, physiotherapy-led exercise and education intervention on post-operative recovery, in terms of pain and function, in patients with osteoarthritis, undergoing total knee replacement in the Western Cape
CPD talks:
- PMPG: A simple intro into complex pain (part 1 and 2)
- PMPG: Graded motor imagery (part 1 and 2)
- PMPG evening meeting: Explain Pain supercharged Chapter 2
- PMPG evening meeting: Assessment of complex pain conditions
- PMPG evening meeting: Case studies: assessment of complex pain conditions
- SASP Cape Winelands evening lecture: Nociception vs central sensitization vs neuropathic pain
- Workability: The non- benefits of radiological imaging of the neck and back pain. Presented in Cape Town for purposes of training of staff
- PMPG EC AGM: A take home message for chronic joint pain for 2016
- PMPG evening lecture: Pain is the name of our game: updates from WCPT congress, 2015. Presented at Constantia MediClinic.
- PMPG: Pain is the name of our game: updates from WCPT congress, 2015.
- Lecturing postgraduate MPhil sports physiotherapy students in pain, UCT: 2015
- Lecturing undergraduate students in NMS and orthopaedics, applied physio UCT: 2015 -2017
- Lecturing undergraduate students in applied physiotherapy and pain, US: 2015-2016
- Clinical educator undergraduate students in orthopaedics and neurology, US: 2016 – 2018
- Article publication – Saw et al. Significant improvements in pain after a six-week physiotherapist-led exercise and education intervention, in patients with osteoarthritis awaiting arthroplasty, in South Africa: a randomised controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2016) 17:236
- Article publication – Kruger-Jakins T, Saw MM, Edries N, Parker R. The development of an intervention to manage pain in people with late-stage osteoarthritis. South African Journal of Physiotherapy (2016) ISSN: (Online) 2410-8219, (Print) 0379-6175
WC Chairperson of Special Interest Group: Pain Management (PMPG) 2018-2021
April 2017: Part of the Pfizer Thermacare advisory board meeting which took part in Cape Town
Clinical work experience:
Current Employment:
- Clinical physiotherapist, Van der Merwe Physiotherapy, Panorama and Cape Gate MediClinic: 2012 – currently
- Clinical Educator, US, Tygerberg hospital orthopaedics third years
Previous employment:
- Grade one physiotherapist, Tygerberg Hospital: 2011 – 2016
- Professional achievements: Staff performance rated as:
- “outstanding level of work”: 2014.
- “significantly above expected level of work”: 2012 – 2013
- Community service physiotherapist, Groote Schuur Hospital: 2010
Postgraduate studies: UCT 2013 – 2015
- MSc Physiotherapy by dissertation obtained with distinction: The effects of a six-week physiotherapist-led exercise and education intervention in patients with osteoarthritis, awaiting an arthroplasty in South Africa.
Undergraduate studies: UCT 2006 – 2009
- BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy obtained with distinction
Continuous Professional Development:
Certificate in Pain Management; All modules completed:
- Knowledge into Practice, 2019
- Exercise for Pain Rehabilitation, 2019
- Clinical Communication Skills, 2018
- Pain interventions: 2013 and 2018
- Therapeutic Neuroscience Education: 2014
- Interactive behavioural modification therapy: 2013
- Principles of Pain: 2012
- Chronic pelvic pain: anxiety, autonomics and the interstitium 2018
- Pain and the Immune System, 2018
- Explain Pain Supercharged chapter 1 -3, 2018
- PainSA congress, 2017
- PainSA Cape Town Pain academy, 2017
- Have we really understood explaining pain, 2016
- Multidisciplinary pain workshop, 2015
- Exercise as therapy in pain conditions: 2014
- UWC, Clinical teaching course: 2015
- US, Clinical supervision course: 2012
- US, Identifying of critical incidents and management: 2011
- US, External examiner: 2011 – 2015